Their sound is unique and they are taking the unlimited progressive boundaries as far as they wish without losing their identity or focus. There is no-one else doing what Mastodon are doing, to the level that they are doing it. Whilst the final track “Jaguar God” offers a tailspin of bluesy balladry and a dynamic ethereal waltz. Tracks like “Clandestiny” and “Ancient Kingdom” offer real hope and triumph amongst the desolation. The band invited regular guest contributor Scott Kelly (Neurosis) and also Kevin Sharp (Brutal Truth) to join them as guest vocalists on “Scorpion Breath” and “Andromeda” respectively and that’s add another touch of class to the album. Effortlessly they switch to their own unique voice but still speak as one. The multi-layered vocal triumvirate of Hinds, Dailor and Sanders is a real joy on this album and adds value to every track.
Clandestiny definition crack#
An album that was produced by uber-producer Brendan O’Brien, who knows a thing or two about what makes a great melodic rock/metal album having previously worked with the band on the aforementioned Crack The Skye and of course, with bands like Pearl Jam & Stone Temple Pilots. Their finely de-tuned ear for ferocious melody remains intact throughout the whole album. “Show Yourself” continues the pace and displays the band’s often over-looked melodic ear to great effect. Of course, everything has a metaphorical vision but the stories are very real and as personal as it gets. Using telepathic means he tries to communicate with various African & Native tribes to kill the sun with rain. “Sultan’s Curse” opens the album with a riff that charges and thunders across the plains whilst revealing a typical thoughtful and creative burst of energy that flows through the album as it regales the tale of a Sultan who gives a death sentence to a man and as the man attempts to escape his fate the sun steals all his energy. Illness and death amongst the band’s family have provided a difficult and challenging backdrop to the writing and recording process of the album and there are moments on Emperor of Sand where it is clear that the tough times are reflected in their music. On Emperor of Sand, their seventh studio release, they have shifted the goalposts and raised the bar to create their most accomplished work since 2009’s Crack The Skye. Throughout their career they have defined and then re-defined what they are and what they are capable of. Mastodon could never be accused of taking the easy way out. Studio album number seven brings out the progressive best in Atlanta’s metal giants as they find triumph through adversity.